The Fiber House was started in 2006 by Cathie Wallick and Kathy Crump, both of Sheridan, Wyoming.C
athie, with her husband, Bob, own BobCat Ranch Alpacas and were looking for a way to sell the fiber their animals produced. Kathy was already the owner of a hair salon, which offered a limited selection of yarn as a
sideline. They decided to combine forces and open a yarn store. In 2007, Kathy left The Fiber House to pursue other interests.
Cathie has worked hard to create a unique store offering an extensive list of quality yarns, including the yarn from her own alpacas, unusual buttons and jewelry, and notions, books, and magazines devoted to the fiber arts. The Fiber House is also a local gathering place, with daily “sit & knit” times, classes, and a helpful staff.
As of May 1, 2010, Donna Stubbs
and Chris Alex are the new proud owners of The Fiber House. Donna is an archaeologist with ACR Consultants, Inc., also based in Sheridan. She has been a crochet-fanatic for over 30 years and also weaves, knits, and does other fiber crafts. Donna teaches classes in crochet, knitting, and will soon be teaching weaving classes.
Chris is the former manager of the produce department at Safeway. He is now the manager of The Fiber House and our web designer/manager. Chris is a weaver and is planning to learn to crochet, when his other duties permit.
Our other staff members include Debbie Deeds and Janet Hoxie. Debbie and Janet are both talented crafters and offer our customers knowledgeable assistance in many arts, including knitting, crochet, spinning, and weaving. Janet is also a quilter and beader and owns her own business, SewUnique, offering quilting notions and her own designs.
The Fiber House also has several expert crafters who teach classes for us. Victoria Bales is a wonderful knitter, who generally teaches classes on Tuesday afternoons. Brucie Connell is a knitter, weaver, and spinner who teaches occasional classes in all of these fields.
Classes offered by The Fiber House run the gamut from specific techniques, such as entrelac (knitting), knit-one-below, lace knitting, to complete designs, such as socks, mittens, sweaters, hats, scarves, and amigurumi animals, to basic beginning classes in all fiber arts (knit, crochet, spinning, and weaving, etc.).
You can see additional interior
photos of TFH here.